Published: 02/2025
DictionaryData from Oxford Languages Deal breaker definition: an aspect, condition, or item that would not be accepted by a party to a business transaction or political deal. See examples of DEAL BREAKER used in a sentence.Women's Health14 Deal Breakers In A Relationship, And What To Do NextJan 7, 2024· “A ‘deal breaker’ in a relationship is when one partner identifies a discrete behavior, aspect, value, or goal of the other partner [that] they are unwilling to tolerate or Tags:RelationshipAssociate Health And Wellness EditorCollins DictionaryDEAL BREAKER definition and meaning | Collins English DictionaryIf you make a deal, do a deal, or cut a deal, you complete an agreement or an arrangement with someone, especially in business. []Tags:Deal BreakerBreaker MeaningCollins English DictionaryOxford Learner's Dictionariesdeal-breaker - Oxford Learner's Dictionariesnoun. /ˈdiːl breɪkə (r)/ /ˈdiːl breɪkər/ something that causes somebody to reject a deal in politics or business. The candidate's support for the war is the deal-breaker (= people will not vote Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Onlinedealbreaker | meaning of dealbreaker in Longman Dictionary of dealbreaker meaning, definition, what is dealbreaker: something that makes you decide that you: Learn more.Tags:MeaningDEALBREAKERYour DictionaryDeal-breaker Definition & Meaning | YourDictionaryDeal-breaker definition: (idiomatic) An issue which causes a relationship (especially in business) to fail.Tags:Deal BreakerMeaningPsychology TodayThe Truth About 'Dealbreakers' in RelationshipsApr 20, 2015· “Deal-breakers” are those behaviors or conditions that one partner is unable or unwilling to tolerate in a relationship.Tags:RelationshipLinda And Charlie BloomFluentSlangWhat Does Deal Breaker Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More
BrowseSep 19, 2023· What Does Deal Breaker Mean? The term deal breaker is slang that refers to an issue or annoyance in a relationship that a person cannot tolerate or deal with. It is often Tags:Deal BreakerBreaker MeaningPeople also search fordeal breaker meaning in businesstop 10 relationship deal breakersdeal breaker meaning in relationshiptop 20 relationship deal breakersanother word for deal breakerbiggest relationship deal breakers what does deal breakers meandeal breaker meaning in businesstop 10 relationship deal breakersdeal breaker meaning in relationshiptop 20 relationship deal breakersanother word for deal breakerbiggest relationship deal breakersis dealbreaker one worddeal breaker in relationshipsPaginationmerriamDealDEAL BREAKER Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comDeal breaker definition: an aspect, condition, or item that would not be accepted by a party to a business transaction or political deal. See examples of DEAL BREAKER used in a sentence.womenshealthmag.com14 Deal Breakers In A Relationship, And What To Do Next DEAL BREAKER definition and meaning | Collins English DictionaryIf you make a deal, do a deal, or cut a deal, you complete an agreement or an arrangement with someone, especially in business. []oxfordlearnersdictionaries.comdealdealbreaker | meaning of dealbreaker in Longman Dictionary of dealbreaker meaning, definition, what is dealbreaker: something that makes you decide that you: Learn more.yourdictionary.comDealThe Truth About 'Dealbreakers' in Relationships What Does Deal Breaker Mean? - Meaning, Uses and MoreSep 19, 2023R What Does Deal Breaker Mean? The term deal breaker is slang that refers to an issue or annoyance in a relationship that a person cannot tolerate or deal with. It is often used to describe a situation or behavior that is so unacceptable that it leads to the end of a relationship.PaginationThe Free DictionaryDeal25 Relationship Deal Breakers for Women Every Man Must AvoidWEBJul 15, 2024· What does a deal breaker in a relationship mean? A deal breaker in a relationship is a habit or factor that you will consider when you want to leave or stay in the union. It means that if you overlook everything in your relationship, you will consider this particular thing when deciding.Psychology TodayThe Truth About 'Dealbreakers' in Relationships 21 Deal Breakers in a Relationship That Are Non-NegotiableWEBApr 11, 2023· Critically evaluate those questions to know whether this is a deal-breaker for you and what does it mean for the relationship you are in. 14. Do they keep you away from their friends or family. No one is an island, and our friends and families comprise an essential part of our lives.The Free DictionaryDeal Breaker - Idioms by The Free DictionaryWEBHe does not believe the inclusion of a black box warning in the label is a significant surprise nor a deal breaker for doctors, Petrone tells investors. Jefferies raises Antares Pharma price target to $7, sees possible upside to $15Reader’s Digest31 Relationship Deal Breakers for Men You’ll Want to KnowWEBSep , 2018· Some deal breakers may sound harsh, but h aving boundaries and enforcing them isn’t mean. In fact, it’s one of the signs of a healthy relationship , Hafeez says.Urban DictionaryUrban Dictionary: DealbreakerWEBDec 1, 2009· A term popularized by Liz Lemon from 30 rock which is used to describe the event which led to a breakup with someone or something (ie. Brand loyalty)Bustle10 Dating Dealbreakers & What A Relationship Expert Thinks Of WEBFeb 20, 2024· Puppy parents and cat enthusiasts united quite unanimously over this dealbreaker. “It's one thing not to like animals, but quite another to be mean to them,” Jamea says — noting that it’s People also search fordeal breaker meaning in businesstop 10 relationship deal breakersdeal breaker meaning in relationshiptop 20 relationship deal breakersanother word for deal breakerbiggest relationship deal breakers what does deal breakers meandeal breaker meaning in businesstop 10 relationship deal breakersdeal breaker meaning in relationshiptop 20 relationship deal breakersanother word for deal breakerbiggest relationship deal breakersis dealbreaker one worddeal breaker in relationshipsPaginationmerriamDealDEAL BREAKER Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comWEBDeal breaker definition: an aspect, condition, or item that would not be accepted by a party to a business transaction or political deal. See examples of DEAL BREAKER used in a sentence.womenshealthmag.com14 Deal Breakers In A Relationship, And What To Do Next DEAL BREAKER definition and meaning | Collins English DictionaryWEBIf you make a deal, do a deal, or cut a deal, you complete an agreement or an arrangement with someone, especially in business. []oxfordlearnersdictionaries.comdealdealbreaker | meaning of dealbreaker in Longman Dictionary of
SeeWEBdealbreaker meaning, definition, what is dealbreaker: something that makes you decide that you: Learn more.yourdictionary.comDealThe Truth About 'Dealbreakers' in Relationships What Does Deal Breaker Mean? - Meaning, Uses and MoreWEBSep 19, 2023R What Does Deal Breaker Mean? The term deal breaker is slang that refers to an issue or annoyance in a relationship that a person cannot tolerate or deal with. It is often used to describe a situation or behavior that is so unacceptable that it leads to the end of a relationship.Pagination