Published: 02/2025 QO 30 Amp 2[PDF]Product data sheet QO230GFI [PDF]Product data sheet QO230GFI QO230GFI Square D QO230GFI QO Mini Circuit Breaker, Plug1SQUARE D, 30 A, 0/240V AC, Miniature Circuit Breaker QO230GFI Mini circuit breaker, QO, 30A, 2 pole, 0/240VAC, 10kA, plug inWEBProvides superior circuit protection. Reliable and durable. PlugQO230GFI QO230GFI Square D QO230GFI Circuit Breaker w/GFI 30A 0/240V 2P , Plug WEBSquare D. QO. and QOB Miniature Circuit Breakers, QO230GFI, come in plugQO230GFI Square D QO230GFI :: Breaker, 2Square D QO230GFI Circuit Breaker w/GFI 30A 0/240V 2P , Plug
TryWEBSquare D™ QO™ and QOB Miniature Circuit Breakers, QO230GFI, come in plugQO230GFI Square D by Schneider Electric Square D QO230GFICN Square D SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Miniature Circuit Breaker 0/240MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 240V 30A Square D QO230GFI : Miniature Circuit Breaker 0/240V 30AWEBSQUARE D QO230GFI : MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER 0/240V 30A. Technical Description: Miniature, Thermal Magnetic, Common Trip Type; 1.5 Inch Width X 2.91 Inch Depth X 4. Inch Height Size; Qo Loadcenter, Nq Panelboard, Nq OEM Interior/Speed-D Switchboard Distribution Panel Used on; to 8 AWG (Aluminum), 14 to 8 AWG (Copper) Pagination