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2024 Breaker In A Sentence

Published: 02/2025
Merriam WebsterExamples of 'Breaker' in a Sentence | MerriamYourDictionaryExamples of "Breaker" in a Sentence | YourDictionary.comWEBLearn how to use "breaker" in a sentence with 54 example sentences on YourDictionary.YourDictionaryExamples of "Break" in a Sentence | YourDictionary.comSeeWEBLearn how to use "break" in a sentence with 500 example sentences on YourDictionary.YourDictionaryExamples of "Icebreaker" in a Sentence | YourDictionary.comWEBLearn how to use "icebreaker" in a sentence with 23 example sentences on YourDictionary.Tags:SentenceIcebreakerCollins DictionaryExamples of 'BREAK' in a sentence | Collins English SentencesWEBMaking a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture. We don't like breaking habits when it comes to food. The professor hoped to break the Tags:SentenceEnglishMerriam WebsterBreakers Definition & Meaning Breaker in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb)WEBJan 27, 2017· 231+1 sentence examples: 1. There is an internal circuit breaker to protect the instrument from overload. 2. The movie became a boxGoWEBLearn how to use "breakers" in a sentence with example sentences on YourDictionary.Tags:SentenceBreakersMerriam WebsterExamples of 'Circuit breaker' in a Sentence | Merriam-WebsterWEBMay 10, 2018· 'Circuit breaker' in a sentence: The lights still must be matched to a circuit breaker with the same three-digit string.Tags:SentenceMerriam-WebsterPeople also search forsentence breakdown generatormake one sentence from twomake two sentences into onesentence splitting tokenizersentence explainer generatorsentence breakdown tool breaker in a sentencesentence breakdown generatormake one sentence from twomake two sentences into onesentence splitting tokenizersentence explainer generatorsentence breakdown toolsentence splitter simplifiersentence splitter toolPaginationLanguageToolSplit Long Sentences With LanguageTool For Better WEB2. Click on the long sentence and click on “Apply” when the dialog box appears. LanguageTool detects sentences that are over 40 words long. 3. Marvel at your new, easyWEBDeal breaker definition: an aspect, condition, or item that would not be accepted by a party to a business transaction or political deal. See examples of DEAL BREAKER used in a sentence.LitChartsLine Break WEBLearn how to use "breakComplex Sentence Breakdown & Explanation - Engnovate AIWEBIntroducing our transformative AI-Powered Sentence Breakdown & Explanation Tool, tailor-made to help you decode and comprehend intricate English sentence structures. This pioneering tool offers in-depth analysis and clarification of complicated sentences, providing you with essential insights and understanding.People also search forsentence breakdown generatormake one sentence from twomake two sentences into onesentence splitting tokenizersentence explainer generatorsentence breakdown tool breaker in a sentencesentence breakdown generatormake one sentence from twomake two sentences into onesentence splitting tokenizersentence explainer generatorsentence breakdown toolsentence splitter simplifiersentence splitter toolPagination


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